Community Care Manager
Fran, our Community Care Manager, will be happy to arrange a visit to explain more about Acorn and the services we provide including helpful advice on benefits. Please contact her via the office on 01647 252701
We offer a range of social support activities including:
Tuesday Lunch Club
On alternate Tuesdays we arrange trips to a local restaurant or pub for lunch for those who live alone or have difficulty getting out and about. It is a chance to enjoy the company of others, have a chat and have a good meal in pleasant surroundings.
We use the minibus to collect people and are happy to accommodate those with mobility problems; an assessment may have to be carried out.
Memory Lane Cafe
Our cafe started in 2011 when we joined the Devon Group of Memory Cafes and we continue to have informal links with the Devon Memory Café Consortium. Our Memory Cafe provides help and support to those who have memory problems, as well as their carers, in our area. The café is run by volunteers, many of whom have attended courses on memory difficulties and dementia. We meet on the second and last Thursday in the month at Strawberry Hill, Dunsford from 10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.
We enjoy varied activities including, craft, cake making, working with plants and flowers, poetry reading, music, quizzes, card and board games and lunch outings. Our local primary school choir regularly visit and other local groups often entertain us. We always have tea/coffee and cake when we meet and enjoy any excuse for a party!
There is an informal friendly atmosphere where new visitors can come along and have a cup of coffee and cake and a chat to our volunteers who may be able to help and join in the activities. Transport can be provided if required. For further information please telephone Jane Hancock on 01647 24092
Cheriton Bishop Lunch Club
We meet on the first Tuesday of the month at The Red Lion at 12.30 p.m. there is a great menu to choose from.
New members always very welcome, no age restriction.
Transport can be arranged. Contact Jean Martin on 01647 24586
Acorn Tuesday Coffee Morning
On alternate Tuesdays we have a coffee morning between 10.30 a.m. and 12.00 noon in the Bowden Room, Teign Valley Community Hall, Christow. If you would like to attend and have difficulty getting there, call Mandy on 01647 252701
Tea and Chat in Cheriton Bishop
Fortnightly at the Young Farmers Federation hub in Cheriton Bishop 2-4pm. No need to book just turn up.
Acorn Outings
Monthly outings to places of interest from Cheriton Bishop and the Teign Valley. Call Mandy on 01647 252701 to find out when your area are going and where!
We also offer the following practical support
Medical Appointments
If you have difficulty getting to an appointment at one of our local hospitals, the doctors surgery or other health care professionals, for example the dentist, call Mandy on 01647 252701 and we will do our best to find one of our volunteer drivers to collect you from your home, accompany you to your appointment, wait with you (if practical) and bring you home afterwards.
Service users are invited to make a donation towards the cost of transport for running this service.
Prescription Delivery
If you are unable to get to either surgery and need a prescription delivered, contact Mandy on 01647 252701 and she will arrange for your prescription to be collected from the surgery and delivered to you at home.
Supermarket Trips
We run a trip to Sainsbury’s at Alphington Exeter. From Christow on alternate Mondays or from Cheriton Bishop alternate Wednesdays. We use the Acorn minibuses which can accommodate a maximum of eleven passengers.
Contact Mandy on 01647 252701 for details.
Equipment Loan
If you are in need of a piece of equipment for a short time, speak to Mandy on 01647 252701. We have a selection of mobility equipment, sticks, frames etc.
If there is anything else you might need help with, call Mandy for advice.
Other Services
Age UK
admin@nedcare.org - 01647 279211
Community led care in North East Dartmoor. Provider of care packages etc.
One Small Step
hello@onesmallstep.org.uk - 0800 2982654 or 01392 908139
Providing free support to help you quit smoking, cut down on alcohol; maintain a healthy weight and much more.
Friendly Faces
claire@friendlyfacesuk.co.uk - 0800 0431080 or 0773 2015769
Companionship and support tailored to your needs.
Neighbourhood Friends
neighbourhoodfriends@westbankfriends.org - 01392 823690
Befriending service.
FILO Service
info@thefiloproject.co.uk - 03339398225
High quality day care in an intimate home setting for those with moderate dementia including memory loss.
Cinnamon trust
01736 757900
Dog walking and animal care for people in their last years and their much loved pets.